Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Throwback Brainy Bunch Graduation Day- Part 2

Throwback Part 2

Sepanjang the kids on the stage aku memang rasa sedih+ marah yang amat sukar di gambarkan. Allah sahaja yang tahu hancur luluhnya perasaan waktu itu.
After the event, I raised this issue to the Brainy Bunch Alam Budiman Manager, and she informed to me that they only received it on Friday, 22nd November 2013. However, they found out there are some mistakes with the photo and did inform it to HQ. The HQ gives a feedback that it's too late to change because not enough time. Concovation tu hari Ahad 24th November 2013, masih ada masa untuk baiki keadaan before the actual event.
To me, it showed how silly of the management in doing this. Perhaps the Brainy Bunch Management should more understand the concept of Plan, Do, CHECK and Action. You plan to put their picture as cover magazine. You hired a Photographer to execute the activity. You DIDN’T CHECK at all, the content before delivered. You must have some buffer allocation time to prepare for any circumstances and you can fix the things right.
Brainy Bunch HQ also should think a counter measure for this issue. When your side find out that there are problems on it, they just leave it. They should come out with TEMPORARY counter measure.
Maybe the HQ can print out the photo in normal A4 just for temporary use on the stage or HQ should pull out the wrong picture and just let it in the certificate booklet without the photo.
Rasanya lebih baik dalam certificate folder tu cuma ada sijil dan tak payah lah letak gambar yang salah.
Dalam gambar nanti korang imaginelah SEMUA gambar yang ambik on that day gambarnya salah....Lagi sakit hati wehhhhh.....
And one more thing… during the event.,we were told that the fees that we are paying tu including meal for the parents and student. However, we didn’t received anything at all during the event, not even a bottle of mineral water!!! How was that possible? We are paying around RM 150 excluding the robe hokey for the event!!!
OMG OMG OMG ni aku nak marah ni… Aku ambil initiative, writing a letter of complaint to the Management and give them time to answer my letter. Aku emailkan complaint tu pada CEO nya, so aku buat karangan and email to them bagi masa untuk derang repy, tapi hampeh until the day, nobody give a call at all..So aku yang kena call mereka and asking the situation. Melampau sungguh rasanya. Dalam situation ni kitaorg ni kiranya ‘mangsa’ kan, tapi ‘mangsa’ lak yang kena call.
After that, one lady called me and I took the opportunity to extend my complaint.Dia ni Division Managerlah, kiranya Alam Budiman ni bawah pengurusan dia lah .
Okey dekat sini aku memang sangat-sangat bersabarr...which aku pun tak tau dari mana Allah berikan kekuatan untuk aku bersabar.
Untuk pengetahuan korang, memang sangat susah aku nak dapat bercakap dengan Mrs L*** (nama di rahsiakan nanti kang aku kena saman pulak..kott).
Buktinya aku ada...dekat phone kan ada phone history, kita boleh tau bila kita call dia, and berapa lama conversation semuanya. memang sangat mendukacitakan...aku cuma dapat bercakap dengan dia few times dan dia layan phone call aku dengan janji palsu.

Janji nak bagi peluang  Zafran ambil gambar dekat studio lengkap dengan jubah- PALSU
Aku mintak kerjasama dia possible tak if somebody from their side do some editing part, untuk clearkan gambar-gambar Forbes yang salah tu, Mrs L*** kata just send an email and attached with the pictures-PALSU
Memang sangat susah nak dapatkan kerjasama dia ni, kalau aku call tak pernah nak angkat or nak return call balik.
Sampai sudahnya aku jadi sangat penat and sangat lelah mengejar harapan PALSU dari BBIM.Aku sangat penat mengejar dia macam aku yang bersalah.
Sedangkan aku menuntut hak anak aku.
Last time aku dapat call dia so dia pick up the phone (dia tengah drive so maybe TERangkat call aku, dia cakap "apa kata you bawak anak you ambik gambar kat studio BBIM masa cuti sekolah ni (masa tu cuti sekolah)? I tengah drive ni, nanti I call you balik untuk set the date."
Dan, seperti biasa  janji tinggal janji, tiada return call from her. 
Aku rasa sangat pelik macam mana they run the business ni, Customer service tak boleh nak jaga langsung. Sudahnya aku go to the next stage...
AKu PM directly dengan CEO nya.
Dan sungguh aku tak sangka, inilah jawapan yang aku perolehi.
"Will get back to you on Monday." tapi akhirnya tiada panggilan atau anything about this matter.Aku follow up dua kali melalui PM: facebook personal dia, pun tiada jawapan...Sedih...
Manalah aku tak marah, dari November sekarang nak masuk May habuk takde progress.
Apa lagi yang harus aku buat? Berhenti jelah berharap? Terus fight?
AKu rasa macam nak berhenti mengejar diaorang, aku mungkin terpaksa beralah je dengan keadaan, mungkin sebab kami ni takde title so apa pun complaint ada derang kisah?
Walaupun korang bayar RM580/month untuk yuran anak korang belajar dekat BBIM tapi kalau customer service derang out, apa yang ko boleh buat, sebab ko takde 'title'.
We received this picture on March 2014..4 months later
To Zafran, I'm so sorry sayang, I've tried email complaint, tapi takde jawapan, dah call many times tak angkat phone and bila ada misscall takde pulak derang nak call semula, kalau dapat bercakap memang janji palsu je nak..
Mummy akan try tanya kawan-kawan Mummy sesiapa yang boleh buat editing, and edit semua gambar-gambar 'rosak' kita masa convo dulu..InsyaAllah walaupun Mummy nampaknya terpaksa keluarkan duit sendiri. Takpe, kita usahakan..
They promised, tapi tak delivered Zafran, hanya Allah yang tau dan biarlah mereka simpan rasa tak bersalah derang seumur hidup. Kita kena move on...
Tapi Mummy nak Zafran tau, yang Mummy dah berusaha, cuma mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi kita..
I'm so sorry

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